Have you ever gone to a web site, liked what you saw, and wanted to talk to a representative before taking further action on the web site but the only option available was to complete an online form? I have and in most cases it left me frustrated because I was ready to take action but no one was available to help me.
Yes, I completed the form but in most cases I found another solution on another web site, mostly because they provided a telephone number that I could call to talk to someone. The Internet is evolving, and more and more people are spending money online. Don't let your web site visitors give their business to your competition. Humanize your site and make it easy for web site visitors to communicate with you...
A satisfied customer is a repeat customer.
No one can guarantee repeat sales, but, web site owners CAN ensure more satisfied customers by providing instant communication for customers, and thereby increasing the likelihood of a return visit. It's a business fact that it isn't the initial sale that grows a business, its the repeat sales. Create satisfied customers and you create repeat sales.
Think of this new web tool as your sales associate. Have you ever gone to a department store and when you were ready for help a knowledgeable representative was eager to assist you? Well, this works the same way. It allows you to be ready to focus on your web site visitor when they need you. Your attention to customer service and your availability to the customer will increase the number of satisfied customers coming to your web site, guaranteed. They won't forget their experience, and they'll be back.
Seeing is believing: give your business more perceived value.
When a potential customer visits your web site they will immediately see and hear you because this communication system begins broadcasting your web cam signal instantly. Your visitors will be able to communicate with you when they are ready without trying to figure out how to do that. When your web site visitors are able to see you at work they'll feel confident about doing business with you. Imagine your visitors being able to see and hear you at your computer desk. Almost scary, isn't it? But, the reality is that the Internet is evolving, and if you want to grow your online business, then you have to come up with ways that simply compel your visitors to want to do business with YOU. This new broadcasting package can do that for you.
Providing a human aspect to your web site means visitors receive instant gratification when they are able to talk to you LIVE and immediately. This means they are satisfied, and you are satisfied because you both get what you want. With more and more companies getting online there are more and more web sites competing for the same Internet surfer. Web site owners need to offer unique advantages to visitors to encourage them you are the right choice for them. When you provide an instant means of communication you open a door to cultivate positive relationships with your web site visitors. This communication system can help.
"No man is an island." Share the workload.
With this web cam broadcaster, you possess the ability to create departments and assign additional operators, and you can easily transfer visitors to the appropriate department and operator. Of course, this feature is more beneficial to larger companies but imagine how your business will grow when you humanize your web site. You may have to hire staff sooner than you think
Teamwork makes the "dream work".
The Internet has created more millionaires than any other industry. Most of this success has come via network marketing and MLM. Whether we are fond of this industry or not is irrelevant.. teamwork does work. Your prospects will be like putty in your hand when you use this system to grow your online business. Now you can instantly communicate with your web site prospect, but, this system goes beyond this as it allows you to add other users of this system to your Buddy List, and instantly communicate with them, (i.e., invite them into a live chat session with you and a web site prospect or, let you transfer a web site prospect to one of your teammates who is in your Buddy List). This system bridges the gap between you, your team and future team members. The old fashioned belly-to-belly marketing (before the Internet was invented) just got a new boost!
We will keep you posted for the product announcement.
Warm regards,
David R. Thayer
VestRite Internet Practices
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