Wednesday, December 26, 2007

10 Ways to Use Links to Make Money Online

Search engines get smarter every day. Google and the like have people working to make the search engines more efficient at delivering desired results. This poses a threat to some methods of online marketing, but also gives rise to new opportunities to market. By using a little HTML knowledge and taking a bit of time, you can ensure proper rankings in the search engines.

One way to boost your rank in search engines is the use of links to make money online by driving traffic to your business website. You should ensure that your links have the proper "link power" to get effective results in search engine ranking.


Put your link on other people's blog comments, forum posts, article directories, and affiliate pages. The search engines respect links from other sites more than internal links. Linking one page of your site to the other doesn't help all that much in search engine ranking.


Backlinks are links that piggyback traffic from other sites by use of a link on a listed page. You can do this using the above methods. When you backlink, it is wise to make the very links the keywords for your website. The search engines note which words are linked and ranks your site higher for that keyword.


This is the html of a link:
<a href="URL" title="keyword1,keyword2">keyword</a>
One thing that is easy to forget is that you can put your keyword into the HTML of the link so that the search engines pick up those keywords for your link.


If you are linking a banner, the HTML will look like this:
<a href="URL"><img src="IMAGE_URL" alt="keyword1,keyword2" border="0"></a>
You can pop the keyword in the alt tag in the image instead of the title tag in the link HTML. It arguably gives the same effect.


If you can post a link in your signature of your forums or in the resource or bio box of an article, then by all means, do it. The link will show up on very page with your name on it giving you lots of "link votes" in the search engines.


Make sure that the text around your link is relevant. This may not be just for target marketing purposes. It has been argued that search engines will pick up on the relevancy of your link, too.


Links have more "link power" if the link is not returned. This means that you have to get other sites to put up links to yours while not putting their links to you. It's kind of like being a celebrity...everyone talks about you, but you hardly ever mention your fan's names.


If you are trying to get up on the Google rankings, backlink off the sites the Google likes. This will let you steal some of their "link power".


Search engine crawlers will crawl sites that allow them access to it. And one way they can tell if your site is accessible is to provide a simple text document called "robot.txt" in the directory folder where your main page is located. Here is a simple example of the content of a robot.txt:

User-agent: *

That will allow all webcrawlers to search all of your pages for content.


The less "link power" you give out, the more you can keep.

VestRite Internet Practices offers tools, systems, programs, education, and mentoring to those who wish to enhance or create internet income.

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