Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
http://VestRite.WS Here is a new system you should all be aware of - more neat stuff from my Canadian friends! We have enlisted "Spiderweb Marketing" to put together another wonderful FREE package to build Internet income streams and "teach the methodology" behind it.
Ordinarily, the GDI $10.00/month upgrade would not be a good value to me - but embedded into this project it's a huge plus now, if you can afford to risk the $10.00 on four additional income streams, for a total of 22 available revenue sources!
Give it a whirl - and tell me what you think of this really cool "automated income generator" system design.
- Dave
Posted by
David Thayer
7:17 PM
Monday, June 30, 2008
Advertising Contests - It's Hit Traffic With an Ad For Free
Aren't keywords funny? I always get a kick out of keyword research suggestions. See how many you can find. This blog will make no sense. Comment if you think you've found a researched keyword.
I'm always trying to come up with a new idea that everyone will just love and want a piece of the action, you know? And as I was sitting on the jon one day, I realized something. People want free advertising, plain and simple.
They don't want to have to pay "banner CPM" or "increase CTR" what they really want is more than traffic. They want free money online. They want to spam like crazy with blog blaster. They want to have access to free a money-generating online rotation banner. They want active webtraffic at their feet from effortless online advertising banners. They want to know the best free advertising methods, and they want to know it now.
Introducing my latest idea, straight from the thinking (heh) pot...
"I want free advertising too!"
It's like a game of a one court B-ball game. Winner takes ball. Every month, a new contest will begin, and the last victor will be on top, and the other victors will take the bottom of the page for an entire year. The only sign up fee is that you place a widget of your choice on a content-relevant page that will allow their visitors to vote. I think people would be dumb enough to do that for a chance to get free exposure.
Ha, I would.
There will be rules. Geez, you guys get to see me brainstorm in action. What a lucky treat you have! Oh, now I got to make rules.
- Must be 468x60
- No animations
- Must be a PNG, GIF, or JPG
- Must Have Untampered Widget on a "Your Reasons You Want to Win" Page
- Nothing Crude or Obscene
- No Girls Allowed
Sick. That would be sick. I don't even use hairpins. Alright. I'm done. Beddy-bye time.
Devin T.
PS: "Bookmark This" is an awesome widget for your blog, and you should have it for free.
PPS: I never got around to some keywords, so feel free to use them on your own blog for unique targeted visitors: traffic visitors, blog submitter, effective advertisements, best banner ad, planning media.
PPS: Yes, I have better ideas. I just don't feeling like sharing the ones I'll actually do and make money off of.
Posted by
Devin T
8:26 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Lies! Why You Should Never Trust an Internet Marketer
The reason, plain and simple, internet marketers are not system thinkers. They are more like economists - they look for the trend and speculate. It's dangerous, but effective to a point. They can see what works for now and where to watch where they step, but do they really know the numbers behind their theories?
It's so obvious that they are only making suggestions. Some experienced people have results, but can't really explain WHY exactly things turned out the way they did. But I can...
System Dynamics is a practical way of employing systems thinking. You can map out a system that changes over time within it's own boundaries, and then you are able to calculate all the changes. I modeled a few things right off the bat - attitude dependent success, my finances, and my business plan - all of which I'd be happy to share with you if someone comments requesting it.
Then I modeled traffic generation. I included all the typical methods: user-driven, campaign driven, search engine driven, and various click-through methods such as articles, blogs, comment spam, Yahoo Answers, etc. I even threw in a multiplier for initial content generation, assuming you use social bookmarking to boost your traffic.
And to my surprise...
Content was king.
Generating content for your own web site (combined with social bookmarking your own pages) was by far the greatest multiplier of traffic. I ran the simulation again and again with different variables and equations, and it always came out on top.
Blog and comment spamming (well, it's only spamming if you get caught), despite keyword research, were really all you could do to up your SERPs significantly if there was high competition. But when you did overcome the competition, there was a quantum leap in traffic. This actually happens, fyi, in real life.
And the worst multiplier? Nofollow links, obviously.
But one of the next worst things was much more surprising: rewriting your own articles and submitting them. It's the most noble of the ideas, but the least effective for the time spent. It was actually almost equally as effective to send the same article 10 different times than it was to rewrite it ten different times and send it to the same sites - even over a 6 month span. And using that time, you might as well send it to more article directories to improve your click through traffic.
If you are an article marketer, go nuts with the copy and paste.
Keep Alive!
Devin T.
PS: The VestRite Article Submitter design is completed. I'm just working on the database right now, and then I'll send an email out to members with how to get free advertising on the widget for a limited time (until you are outbid by actual buyers). If anyone knows of where to get a free online invoice generator for my site, please comment and let me know where.
Posted by
Devin T
7:26 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
6 Strategies for the Article Marketer - The Free Article Marketing Craze
A large variety of internet marketers are promoting a link building and traffic generation scheme called article marketing. Using 6 effective strategies, you can find out how to use this method and not abuse it.
Article marketing is a method by which one generates content relative to his or her site and posts the content in article directories. The article directories then are crawled by the search engines, making the article available to the public very quickly. The viewers read the articles and may click on a link provided in a resource box (about the author section) or may even decide to add your content to their site.
This can be tricky for a beginner as there are a lot of little things that aren't apparent at first until you experiment or read up on more search engine optimization. Lucky for you, I've done the experiments and research and have brought to light some unique and important marketing strategies.
Strategy #1: Post on Your Site First.
Both Yahoo! and MSN search engines will place your site higher in a search engine if your site was the first place they found the content. Certain individuals have tested if Google cares about originality in the search engine page rankings, and the conclusions are generally a, "No." Still, a huge chunk of people still use Yahoo! and MSN searches, and thus, this strategy should not be ignored.
Strategy #2: Get an "Add This" Button & Bookmark It
The "Add This" widget from can be easily added in a side navigational bar or somewhere else towards the top of your page. If someone is part of a social bookmarking site such as Digg, Redit, Facebook, etc. then you give them an opportunity to sign in and add and/or review your page. When this happens, your page is then added to the directory of links in the social bookmarking database and can be searched for using their services.
If a lot of people like the article and add your article, you will get a higher rate of traffic from the sites. This is because the searches are weighted by how many people have added or liked your article. Thus, you should get your buddies and dedicated customers to add your article.
Strategy #3: Make a Catchy, Keyword Rich Headline
There are a few types of headlines that really pull people in. One is using lists - like this article's headline, "6 Strategies for the Article Marketer - The Free Article Marketing Craze". Another one is using shock titles - such as "DANGER: Making Money Online Could Become Extinct!" Lastly, instructional titles are effective such as "How to Explode Traffic With One Click".
Some keywords are good and some nobody thinks up. To get some good ideas for keywords, you should use Google AdWord's External Keyword Tool ( You'll want to type in your favorite keyword phrase and the security confirmation code provided, organize the search by month, and look for keyword strings with low competition and decent search volume for the month. Pick a keyword that matches that description, write an article about it, and include a keyword or two in the catchy title somewhere.
Strategy #4: Increase Comprehensibility
Nobody wants to read a giant block of text. It is discouraging to your readers! Also, no one appreciates a ton of empty space that has to be scrolled through. Most article directories don't allow for hard line breaks or bad paragraphs anyhow, so save the hassle and write an article that is easy to read.
Shorten sentences and include bullets or lists when appropriate. Use proper grammar and spelling. Don't be afraid to write at a 3rd grade comprehensibility level. Not everyone who goes to your site is going to have a college degree and a long attention span.
The best tip I have heard to not only increase comprehensibility, but flow, is to organize the article via headlines or captions. Write out a quick outline, and turn each line of the outline into a subheading to which you write one to three paragraphs underneath. Not only does this improve your writing clarity, this also gives the reader a choice to read over parts and get to the bottom of the page faster - where your information will be.
Strategy #5: Quantity Over Originality
There has been a lot of discussion in the past as to whether or not the search engine's duplicate content filters were doing their job or not. For article marketing purposes, the answer in most cases is, "No." It takes a lot more time to rewrite portions of the same article for the same amount fo time it takes to submit a copied article to a hundred article directories or more. However, this is subject to change as the filters get more intense.
One of the reasons for this is due to the fact that some sites only provide a portion of your article and a link to the rest. Another reason is that sometimes an article is broken up by advertisements. Also, keep in mind, the more places you have it, the better variety of click-through traffic you can have. However, if you have the time and energy, do try to rewrite your articles on different article directories because you will get different keyword strings and bypass the duplicate content filters.
Strategy #6: Include Your URL
When some people use your articles, the link will be stripped. Though this borders on copyright infringement, it still happens, so you should be sure to include the website URL of your company for that very reason. If at all possible, include your web page URLs in the body of the text but only if you can use it as a resource link to help the viewer get more information on the preceding text. - Free Online Business Community and Resource Center
Home of The VestRite Article Submitter - A Fast and Helpful Manual Article Marketing Tool
Posted by
Devin T
12:01 PM
Labels: article marketing, comprehensibility, duplicate content, marketing strategies, SEO, social bookmarking, writing headlines
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More from Steve Burke
I have taken the time to share with many of you, about Steven Burke's all new free report that outlines "Mindset of a Marketing Millionaire" 55 page+ E-book valued at $99.00, with "Powerful Marketing & Promotions", his (12) monthly workshop training package valued at $495.00, all for only $99.00.
I would now like to introduce you to Steven's new blogging site,, and of course, I would like to introduce you to Steven himself. VestRite Internet Practices and Steven Burke, together would like to introduce you to Steven's "Hunger For Profit" E-learning system coupled with the most powerful marketing management system and contact management system called "Success on Contact".
Feel free to click on the blue "free report". Take a few minutes of your time and browse through the report that was updated again today! You will be glad that you did.
Posted by
David Thayer
6:54 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
UPDATES - Humanize the Web, Affiliate Offers
As you may have noticed, VestRite has a whole new feature: Web Site Communicator. It's that gray box with the red smiley in the corner. Have you tried it out?
Not only is it a chat room, but it is a LIVE Q&A session with a VestRite Team member at no specific time. For free. Lucky for you, all of our products and services are currently free.
So where do we make our money?
Affiliates. We offer you plenty of other ways to spend your money and get a better bang for your buck. We already offer you a money making system, MLM hosting service, and a free traffic exchange. What now?
Mindset of a Marketing Millionaire
Type: Business Success eBook. Marketing & Promotions Training. Management Software.
Our Review: Incredibly high-tech, advanced system based around very practical and ground breaking ideas. "For every internet marketer that knows this secret, a hundred thousand do not." Steven Burke has created a success system unmatched by current programs that can apply to anybody. Download a free 12 page summary.
Web Site Communicator
Type: Interactive Customer Communication Service
Our Review: Gives your customers a chance to communicate directly to you! An application will be added to your site on every page allowing your customers to view you on your webcam, listen to your voice, or instant message you. Humanizing your site will completely morph the way your visitors will look at the site. It's true that sales are made at a personal level.
Now you see, we have been doing some work. We've been involved in two PRE-LAUNCHES. That's right - this stuff is brandy new. You have a chance to get your hands dirty with stuff...and get a piece of the pie right before it explodes into a million pies.
That's a lot of pies.
That's a lot of opportunity that could be wasted if you don't act soon to become a member of these sites. That's opportunities gone "bye bye" because you didn't give it a second look. Other people are going to be using these things to generate solid customers and solid income. Other people will be getting your downline!
Oh no! can at least check this out. See if you want to be an affiliate. See if you want to make better customers. See if you want to have the marketing mindset of a millionaire and even make your first million.
It's up to you.
Posted by
Devin T
5:19 PM
Dream Big and You Will Be Wealthy
Why do they keep telling us we will be rich and it will cost us nothing? This is never the case, no matter how hard we want to believe the lies they tell us deep down inside we must know the truth, wealth comes from hard work and determination, and dreaming big. Dreaming big is the key only when we can fully understand what it is we want and start putting the pieces together can we truly be on our way to becoming financially independent.
Each night before you go to bed tell yourself what it is you want most in life and concentrate really hard, also when you wake up mediate also on what you want in life for example good health and to be well off, imagine yourself in good health and financially independent and focus and it will happen, tell yourself it will happen.
You will feel better and be stronger, the mind is very powerful, mind over matter is what they say so start using your mind to get what you want in life.
To your success,
Max Hinmon
To have quality leads is most important, we at M.J.H. Marketing give you the quality leads you need to help promote your business.
Posted by
Devin T
5:16 PM
Labels: determination, dreams, financial, independent, success, wealth
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Page Ranking System Explained! - How to Get High Ranking Web Pages
The search engines are amazingly complex. To appear in the top search results, your site must qualify as having higher Page Rank than your competitors. Find out what this ranking system is and how to apply it!
- Why Search Engines Rank Web Pages
Search engines strive to produce quality search results for their users. They want to be able to give you exactly what you are looking for at the best quality. One way that the search engines can tell if you have important information for its users is if your page has other pages linking to it. Various other factors come into play to ensure quality search results. - Number of Links
Although not the most important factor in determining a web page's importance for a specific keyword, it is a popular way of getting up in the rankings. Every newly created page may give away a "page rank point" of about 0.10 or 0.15 in importance. This could be from external or internal links. - Percentage of Links
More importantly than number of links to a web page, is the number of other links on the page that link to a web page. To determine the amount of distributed "page rank points" to a web page from a link, multiply the total amount of "page rank points" distributed by the percentage of links. - The Dampening Factor
The dampening factor is the number that is multiplied by the distrubuted "page rank points" to a specific web page. This is then added to the given "page rank point" of an estimated 0.10 or 0.15. This dampening factor is usually around 0.80 to 0.85 . - Logarithmic Page Ranking Points
A web page with page ranking of 1 will have 1 page rank point to divide up and distribute. However, a web page with a page ranking of 2 will have 10 times that! And a web page with a ranking of 3 will divide and distribute 100 "page rank points"! This is why it is better to get a link from popular and respected web pages. This is the most important factor in getting higher ranking pages that I have found. - The Equation
Now, it's time to put it all together. Below I will provide a sample equation to which you can plug in numbers to predict your web page's future page ranking. Though the true equations that search engines use are trade secrets and the PAgeRanks are rounded to integers, this equation should give you a fairly good idea of your web page's future page ranking.
PageRank(YourWebPage) = (0.15) + (0.85)*{[(#ofYourLinks)*10^(TheirPageRank - 1)]/(Total#OfLinks) + (MorePageRankingPoints)} - Filters
There are several important filters that each link goes through before distributing "page ranking points". These filters that can hurt include, but are not limited to... - Duplicate Content
- Irrelevant Content
- Fast Link Building (100+ a month)
- Links From Inappropriate or Banned Web Pages
- Inbound Links Having a "nofollow" Attribute
- Boosters
There are several things that can boost your rankings in the search engines, too. Some of these are debated, but won't hurt to encourage. Several boosters include... - KeyWord in the Title Tag and Meta Tags
- KeyWord Towards Top of the Body of the Web Page and in Header Tags
- High Traffic
- Linking Keywords
- Links From Government, Educational, and Well Known Web Sites
For more information on internet marketing and tools to enhance your internet income, visit the Online Business Community and Resource Center, VestRite Internet Practices.
Posted by
Devin T
11:36 PM
Labels: internet marketing, keyword, link building, PageRank, search engine filters, SEO
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Creating Superior Customers - Adding That Personal Touch
Who would be most likely to convince you to buy something?
- Your dog?
- An ad?
- George Bush?
- A stranger?
It would be a friend...a parent...a spouse. You would want it to be someone who appreciates you and knows you... who you can trust because they know and want what's best for you. Someone you can rely on to make a really good, thoughtful suggestion for you.
You're a salesman. You don't know every person who walks in... But you go up and talk a potential buyer. Within minutes you find out who this person is, where the needs are, what this person is looking for, and how your product will fulfill the voids in his or her life even better. You encourage. You compliment that person's achievements. You make small talk if the person is a talker and speed things up if you customer is a busy person because you care about your customers. You make them feel...
Important and Comfortable!
Personable efforts make a good customers. You have one happy costumer, and that person tells the next one. Attitude reflects in performance, and if you choose to put on an attitude that is caring and encouraging, you will notice that your customers become truly amazing!
Rather than making flashy ads and attention and gauge your customers' reactions. Be considerate. Be honest. Then you can make your ads, but only if you target them towards the customer like you would want your best friend to consult you.
Whether in person, or in an email, I always try to make someone's life better. I thank them for their time. Listen to their problems. Get a feel for who they are and what they should be looking for. Suggest things to help them out. Guess what?
That's how things get sold.
Devin T.
Devin T. is the Marketing Dude for VestRite Internet Practices - an Online Business Community and Resource Center. Internet success could just be a click away.
Posted by
David Thayer
10:27 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Humanize Your Web Site - Now in beta test!
Have you ever gone to a web site, liked what you saw, and wanted to talk to a representative before taking further action on the web site but the only option available was to complete an online form? I have and in most cases it left me frustrated because I was ready to take action but no one was available to help me.
Yes, I completed the form but in most cases I found another solution on another web site, mostly because they provided a telephone number that I could call to talk to someone. The Internet is evolving, and more and more people are spending money online. Don't let your web site visitors give their business to your competition. Humanize your site and make it easy for web site visitors to communicate with you...
A satisfied customer is a repeat customer.
No one can guarantee repeat sales, but, web site owners CAN ensure more satisfied customers by providing instant communication for customers, and thereby increasing the likelihood of a return visit. It's a business fact that it isn't the initial sale that grows a business, its the repeat sales. Create satisfied customers and you create repeat sales.
Think of this new web tool as your sales associate. Have you ever gone to a department store and when you were ready for help a knowledgeable representative was eager to assist you? Well, this works the same way. It allows you to be ready to focus on your web site visitor when they need you. Your attention to customer service and your availability to the customer will increase the number of satisfied customers coming to your web site, guaranteed. They won't forget their experience, and they'll be back.
Seeing is believing: give your business more perceived value.
When a potential customer visits your web site they will immediately see and hear you because this communication system begins broadcasting your web cam signal instantly. Your visitors will be able to communicate with you when they are ready without trying to figure out how to do that. When your web site visitors are able to see you at work they'll feel confident about doing business with you. Imagine your visitors being able to see and hear you at your computer desk. Almost scary, isn't it? But, the reality is that the Internet is evolving, and if you want to grow your online business, then you have to come up with ways that simply compel your visitors to want to do business with YOU. This new broadcasting package can do that for you.
Providing a human aspect to your web site means visitors receive instant gratification when they are able to talk to you LIVE and immediately. This means they are satisfied, and you are satisfied because you both get what you want. With more and more companies getting online there are more and more web sites competing for the same Internet surfer. Web site owners need to offer unique advantages to visitors to encourage them you are the right choice for them. When you provide an instant means of communication you open a door to cultivate positive relationships with your web site visitors. This communication system can help.
"No man is an island." Share the workload.
With this web cam broadcaster, you possess the ability to create departments and assign additional operators, and you can easily transfer visitors to the appropriate department and operator. Of course, this feature is more beneficial to larger companies but imagine how your business will grow when you humanize your web site. You may have to hire staff sooner than you think
Teamwork makes the "dream work".
The Internet has created more millionaires than any other industry. Most of this success has come via network marketing and MLM. Whether we are fond of this industry or not is irrelevant.. teamwork does work. Your prospects will be like putty in your hand when you use this system to grow your online business. Now you can instantly communicate with your web site prospect, but, this system goes beyond this as it allows you to add other users of this system to your Buddy List, and instantly communicate with them, (i.e., invite them into a live chat session with you and a web site prospect or, let you transfer a web site prospect to one of your teammates who is in your Buddy List). This system bridges the gap between you, your team and future team members. The old fashioned belly-to-belly marketing (before the Internet was invented) just got a new boost!
We will keep you posted for the product announcement.
Warm regards,
David R. Thayer
VestRite Internet Practices
Posted by
David Thayer
9:18 PM
Google PageRank FAQ's by Wayne Hurlbert
Google Optimization
Google PageRank: Frequently Asked Questions Contributed by Wayne Hurlbert
What is Google PageRank, and how important is achieving high PageRank when trying to earn a high spot in Google's search engine? Keep reading to learn the answers to these and many more questions.
What is Google PageRank?
Google PageRank (one word) is Google’s measure of the relative importance of a Web page on the Internet. The numbers rank from 0 to 10. The higher the number, the stronger the PageRank.
Is the PageRank (PR) number for the entire site?
PageRank is determined for each individual Web page, as every page on your website has a different PR. The site home page is likely to have the highest PR as it will have the most sites linking to it. Each internal page will have a different Google PageRank. In many cases, the PageRank for a very informative and heavily linked article on an internal page will be higher than that of the site’s home page.
How is PageRank determined?
PageRank is calculated based on both the quantity and PageRank quality of your incoming links. The higher the PR of your incoming links, and the fewer outbound links there are on a page, the more PR is passed to your Web page. For example, a Web page with a fairly high Google PageRank of 6, but divided among many outbound links, might pass along much less PageRank than a PR4 page with only one or two outgoing links. It’s best to consider PageRank transfer on a case by case basis rather than as an overall blanket assessment. The number of variables is simply too high for easy calculations.
Is each inbound link important to the overall total?
PageRank is a form of a voting system. A link to a page is a vote for that page. Higher PageRank pages are viewed by Google as more important. Their votes are given more value by Google -- much more value, in some cases. In general, the more voting links, the stronger the PageRank.
The total number of outbound links from a page makes a huge difference in the amount of PageRank transferred to each receiving page. A Web page with ten outbound links sends one tenth of the total available flow to the receiving page. A page linking to only one page sends all of the available PageRank transfer to the next Web page.
How does a page move higher from one PageRank level to the next?
PageRank is represented numerically from a low of PR0 to a rarely achieved high of PR10. PageRank is not a series of equal steps. It is logarithmic in its calculation. In the same way that the earthquake Richter scale is exponential in calculation, so too is the mathematics behind Google PageRank. It takes one step to move from a PR0 to a PR1, it takes a few more steps to PR3, it takes even more steps to PR4, and many more steps again to PR5, and so one. Each level is progressively harder to reach.
Does increasing the content change the Google PageRank?
Adding fresh content doesn’t provide a direct impact on Google PageRank. The transfer is entirely dependent upon inbound links to the page. On the other hand, providing interesting, informative and theme relevant content will attract many natural one way links to that page. A fresh infusion of PageRank arrives with each link.
How does theme relevance affect Google PageRank?
Theme relevance refers to how related to one another is the subject matter of two interlinked Web pages. If both pages discuss tigers, then they are highly theme relevant. It’s thought that Google may be implementing a system of Topic Sensitive PageRank, designed to pass along varying percentages of available PageRank based on theme relevance. The more closely related the pages, the higher the PageRank amount transferred.
PageRank increases in a geometric manner similar to the earthquake Richter Scale. For example, it is harder to go from a PR4 to a PR5, than it was to reach the PR4 from a PR3. In a similar fashion, it's even harder to get to a PR 6, than it was to get to PR5 from PR4, and so on up. Each level requires increasingly more high value incoming links than did the previous level.
How can I find out my Google PageRank?
PageRank is displayed in increasing amounts of green on a gauge on the Google Toolbar. The Google toolbar can be downloaded for a PC at The toolbar also displays a sampling of the page’s inbound links, but is not considered a reliable indicator of current PageRank. There is no Google Toolbar currently available for a Mac. Google maintains the true PageRank internally, and the toolbar display is generally agreed to be very inaccurate.
How soon do the backlinks and PageRank show up on my Google Toolbar?
It often takes two full monthly updates for all of your incoming links to be discovered, counted, calculated and displayed as backlinks. Even then the PageRank displayed on the Google toolbar is outdated. Google maintains the correct PageRank internally at their own computers. The green line shown on the toolbar is often very outdated, and very possibly entirely incorrect.
Do all of my backlinks get displayed along with the PageRank?
Google only shows the backlinks it has found and calculated for your pages that have a PR4 or higher. All links are included in the tabulation, however. Like the PageRank display, the backlink display on the toolbar is very misleading, and under-represents the total number of inbound links, making do it yourself PageRank calculations more difficult.
All incoming links count towards your total, but lower level PRs (0-3) don't count for much of that total immediately. They will probably add more PR later, however, as their own PRs increase, making all inbound links valuable. Keep in mind that theme relevant links from theme related pages provide more power in Google and the other search engines than unrelated higher PageRank links. Always remember that PageRank is only one factor in the search algorithm.
Should I exchange links with low value PageRank pages?
PageRank should not be your primary concern for link exchanges. Benefits to your readers of discovering new and interesting blogs and websites should be your first concern. The PR is simply an added bonus, and the PR may rise over time. A PR2 could soon be a PR7.
Can a lower PageRank page drain and reduce my PageRank?
Lower PageRank pages don’t reverse or drain PageRank. The flow is always one way, from the sending to the receiving page. Linking to a lower PR page won’t lower your own PageRank. An exchange between two theme relevant pages might even raise each other’s PageRank. Google’s linking system, in its most basic form, is designed to reward linking to other sites, but not for establishing artificial linking schemes to trick the search algorithm.
Are 60 outgoing links to another Web page too many?
No, as Google is only concerned with pages of over 100 outgoing links. Google considers overly linked pages to be link farms, and they are penalized as such. Your site will not a experience a problem, although each page linked to your page will receive only very small amounts of PR flow.
PageRank can decrease if you lose some important links that are no longer linking to your site. PR loss can also occur if some of your linking partners also experience a drop in their own PR, possibly setting off a chain reaction of lower PageRank all through the immediate linking network.
Does PageRank leak away from a page through outgoing links?
PageRank leak is a controversial topic that has both supporters and detractors. Supporters of the PageRank leak theory point to the fact that PageRank is transferred from page to page, resulting in a slight loss to the sending page. As a result, constant work to keep adding new links is required to maintain the existing PR level. The opponents of the leak theory believe that failing to send out links will harm the page, as some SEO experts believes Google downgrades pages that fail to transfer PageRank. They also believe that outgoing PageRank will return in larger amounts to the generous linker than ever flowed to outside Web pages.
Is it important to have good PageRank?
Yes, as PageRank is part of the Google algorithm that determines where your blog or website will appear in the search engine results. Higher PR pages, especially for competitive keywords, will often be listed higher, but high PageRank is only one of about one hundred determining factors in the Google algorithm. It is not by any means the most important factor in search engine rankings.
Has the value of PageRank to the Google algorithm remained constant over time?
The importance of PageRank has declined over time as well, so chasing PageRank is less important than adding theme relevant inbound links. Keep in mind that relevant on-page content of your blog or website is even more important than PageRank. If adding more PageRank remains a priority, strong content will attract high PageRank theme relvant links in its own right.
Has the possible new link dampening filter affected PageRank transfer?
It’s thought that newly acquired inbound links are dampened by a Google filter that lowers their link popularity and Google PageRank flow, despite their theme relevance. New links are only able to pass along a percentage of their available linking power, with that percentage increasing gradually over time, as the link ages. Eventually, the entire potential PageRank and link popularity value becomes awarded to the receiving page. The purpose of the new link filter is apparently to lower the benefit of freshly purchased links to their buyers.
Should I make PageRank values an important factor in my linking program?
PageRank concerns should be very low on the list of linking priorities for any website owner. Far more important is linking to pages that offer quality and useful content for your site visitors. Taking care of their needs should have a much higher priority. Also to be given more consideration is providing interesting and informative content on your own site. High quality content will attract inbound links in a natural manner. Those theme relevant links will bring along link popularity value, and of course an additional boost of Google PageRank. Even the lower PR value transfers add up over time, as PageRank is cumulative. The more incoming links, the better, and content is key to attracting them to your Web pages. The Google PageRank will arrive as part of the overall package.
DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this article is not warranted or guaranteed by Developer Shed, Inc. The content provided is intended for entertainment and/or educational purposes in order to introduce to the reader key ideas, concepts, and/or product reviews. As such it is incumbent upon the reader to employ real-world tactics for security and implementation of best practices. We are not liable for any negative consequences that may result from implementing any information covered in our articles or tutorials. If this is a hardware review, it is not recommended to open and/or modify your hardware. |
Posted by
David Thayer
9:12 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Home Page Has Moved!
In order to provide a more "online business community" atmosphere, VestRite Internet Practices has changed the landing page. No longer will you just get a one page list of reasons on why you should join VestRite VIP, but now you will have access to our site without having to go through all the ad copy and mumbo jumbo.
Good for you. Good for me.
Special thanks to my friend Andy for coming up with that idea.
Yay navbars!
Devin T.
Posted by
David Thayer
9:50 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Dangers of Article Marketing
I'm creating an article submitter for VestRite Internet Practices, and as I was weeding out the database of article directories, I came across an eBook on one of the directories. The directory was not accepting any more submissions because of articles spammers! The eBook told of the dangers of article marketing...and let me tell made a whole lot of sense.
Article marketing is an old tactic and is still being promoted as an amazing way to promote your site. In a way, it is true still. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about article marketing.
I'm sure some of you are familiar with how "link juice" is distributed...that pages are ranked according to factors such as age, updated content, quality content, internal links, and relevant external links. What was traditionally done was to make an article based around a few keywords of your website and submit it to 100 directories or so.
This is why it is a bad idea: search engines hate duplicate content and quick link building. Trying to quickly build your links with duplicate content is a double no-no. If you get over a hundred links in a month, the search engines know you are up to something fishy. They may even penalize you! That would suck.
So how do you avoid it?
Every day, submit a new article to a different top article directory. That way you can bring in traffic from a variety of sites with original content. Luckily, I am going through my list of 200 article directories and rating and reviewing each one of them so that members of VestRite VIP can be smart about their article marketing.
Sign Up Now to be notified of the release of the VestRite Article Submitter.
Posted by
Devin T
5:52 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
All Search Engines Love Spiders: How Meta Commands Can Help You Love Them Too
By Scott Buresh (c) 2008 Nearly all search engines utilize spiders (which are also known by their original name, robots) to go out and scour the web looking for web pages. These search engine spiders then bring the data back to be indexed by the engine. This meta command is one of the most common ones used – and it is also the least necessary. It tells search engine spiders to come on in and put the page in their index. However, all search engines do this by default anyway. Basically, if you want to put it in there for fun, be my guest, but this command is not giving you any special treatment. All search engines are going to index your page, unless you specifically tell them otherwise. As Google mentions in its Webmaster Help Center: This command has its beneficial uses. For example, it can be placed on pages on a site that have duplicate content for legitimate reasons. A website might have both a page for the United States and a page for England that cover the same product with exactly the same content. However, nearly all search engines would see this as duplicate content and could devalue both pages. So placing this command on one of them means that search engine spiders will walk on by and you won't be penalized.
Since roughly 1996, individual meta commands have existed that can be used on individual web pages to modify how these search engine spiders behave. The most useful of these commands are fairly universal and respected by almost all search engines. What follows is a list of some of the more popular spider commands and instances in which you might want to use them.
<meta name="robots" content="index">
<meta name="robots" content="follow">
The follow command is different from the index command. It basically requests that the search engine spiders follow the links that are on a particular page. Again, however, this piece of code is completely unnecessary because all search engines are going to follow the links on a page, unless otherwise directed.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
The noindex command, the opposite of the index command, tells search engine spiders not to index the content of a page. It's important to note however that search engine spiders will still follow the links on a page that uses only this command.
When not used for legitimate purposes, this tag can be dangerous because it can put you at risk for penalization by most, if not all search engines. This is because you can use a noindex tag to hide pages with multiple links that you don't want visitors to see but that you do want all search engines to index.
There are however some legitimate uses for the noindex command. For example, if you have a dynamic site and you've created static pages to replace some of your dynamic pages, which can make them easier for search engine spiders to access, you could put a noindex tag on the dynamic version.
"Consider creating static copies of dynamic pages. Although the Google index includes dynamic pages, they comprise a small portion of our index. If you suspect that your dynamically generated pages (such as URLs containing question marks) are causing problems for our crawler, you might create static copies of these pages."
In cases like these, it is acceptable to use the "no index" command on the dynamic version of the page, so that your content will not be treated as duplicate. You are not tricking all search engines, you're just redirecting them.
<meta name="robots" content="nofollow">
This tag tells search engine spiders that it's OK to go ahead and index a page and list it but that they shouldn't follow any of the links that are on the page. This can be useful if, for example, you had some partners that requested a link on your site that you felt obligated to give, but you wanted to hold onto as much Page Rank as possible. Now this is of course between you and your personal god, but you would be able to in effect have a partners page, add the nofollow attribute to the meta tags, and basically not pass on any of your Page Rank to any of the sites to which you are linking. The nofollow command in effect tells all search engines that this is the end of the line.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
Obviously, noindex and nofollow are powerful tags – and in combination, they can make a page and the subsequent pages to which it links invisible to nearly all search engines. This combination command tells search engine spiders, "Do not read this page; do not follow any of the links on this page; do not include this page in your index."
<meta name="robots" content="noarchive">
Finally, almost all search engines today, including Google and Yahoo, provide a cached version of a site alongside its listing that provides a snapshot of what the page used to look like. The noarchive tag, therefore, is available to be used in circumstances where there is content on your website that is of a timely nature and therefore that you might not necessarily want search engine spiders to cache for people to have access to moving forward.
For example, a business might run a one-time special that has a ridiculously low price to drum up some business while things are slow. The business will want to be able to shut that sale down as soon as sales are back up to a solid level. However, it is conceivable that someone could click on the cached version of the business's site, see the old deal that was out there, and insist on getting it for themselves. By using the noarchive tag, you are telling search engine spiders, in effect, "This page is subject to frequent changes, and I don't want my visitors to have access to some of this content at a later time."
The commands discussed above are just a few of the ones in existence, and new ones are being added frequently. While nearly all search engines support these commands, there are still some that don't. The ones in this article, however, are fairly universally understood by search engine spiders, no matter from where they originate. As more universal commands are introduced, I will write about them in future articles.
About The Author
Scott Buresh is the CEO of Medium Blue, which was recently named the number one search engine optimization company in the world by PromotionWorld. Scott has contributed content to many publications including Building Your Business with Google For Dummies (Wiley, 2004), MarketingProfs, ZDNet, WebProNews, DarwinMag, SiteProNews,, and Search Engine Guide. Medium Blue serves local and national clients, including Boston Scientific, DS Waters, and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Visit to request a custom SEO guarantee based on your goals and your data.
Posted by
Devin T
3:15 PM
Our Newest Member! Debbie Allen!
This is what happened...
I was looking around on eZine sites for places that would want to use my articles in their eZine. I stumbled across one eZine site that offered free eBooks, downloads, offers, and business and self development articles! Immediately, I contacted the Internet Diva Deb with the super cool site and offered up my articles to her.
She emailed me back and signed up to become a member.
I am very pleased with all that I have found on the web site. She offers a lot. If you would like to sign up, visit Internet Diva Deb here: to sign up and get internet marketing strategies!
Keep alive!
Devin T.
Posted by
David Thayer
5:53 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Stop Wasting Time! - How to Get Quality Links That Are 1000% More Effective
The most important part of link building isn't the volume of links. It's the quality. Find out how search engines work, things that affect "link juice", and how to check if a link is worth your time.
How Search Engines Work
Search engines give each page a rank in their system. They need to know which pages are more suitable for certain keywords. Let's say that you have a "home based business opportunity" website. Great. So do a lot of people. And which ones are on top? You will notice sites in top page rankings are...
- Older Sites
- High Traffic Sites
- Well Known Sites
- Sites That Have Other Web Sites Linking to Them
How "Link Juice" Works
"Link Juice" is the amount of respect given to your site by a search engine because another site linked to yours. "Link Juice" is positively affected by various things. The important things to note are as follows:
- Relevancy of Content of the Page Linking to Your Site
- Relevancy of Content of the Link to Your Site
- Less Links Overall on the Page Linking to Your Site
- PageRank of the Page Linking to Your Site
Google's PageRank is a system based on a set of algorythms designed to bring you the most relevant and respected pages to the top of Google's search engine rankings. Since Google is the most popular search engine, it is wise to gain their favor. One way you can check if a page has a high PageRank is to download the "Google Toolbar" and install the PageRank feature. If a page has a high PageRank, then a link on their site is worth more!
Being Creative to Get Results
Now that you have been bombarded with all this information on how to check pages to see if they are worthy of your link, how do you go about attaining those links? The traditional methods are submitting your Web Site to web directories. However, I suggest that you get creative and try something "out of the box". Try offering the webmaster of a competing website something of value to his or her Web Site. Try to find ways of getting links from well known Web Sites. Try writing the webmasters emails. But most of all, try everything!
Resource Box:
To download a quick, time-saving eBook containing 33 Free Web Directories rated and reviewed to help you build link popularity, sign up at to become a member of VestRite VIP for free!
Posted by
Devin T
8:32 PM
Labels: keywords, link building, link juice, PageRank, search engine optimization
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Why You Should Sign Up for VestRite VIP
I am posting articles and resources everyday to the forums. You cannot take advantage of our forums if you are not a member. It is simple and really easy to sign up. You get a bunch of free information and resources. In fact, since VestRite is just getting off the ground, you can call David and I just to talk about how to enhance or create your internet income.
That's a huge deal!
Okay but what if that isn't enough? You know you get a free eBook: Free Link Directories upon sign up to help you out with SEO and getting your name out there. You know you get mentoring. Heck, you even know you get free weblinks from our site.
What's holding you back?
You know that you have a small business community ready to explode. You know you have a blossoming opportunity to be a part of something huge. You knwo you get VIP Forum Access.
But what's in the VIP Forums?
- Free Link Directories eBook
- Blogging Marketing Strategies - a Mini "How to"
- 3 Ways to Keep "Link Juice" from Outsourcing
- Opportunities to Introduce Yourself and Your Biz
- A Getting Started Checklist For Newbies
Posted by
Devin T
9:14 PM
How Can I Promote VestRite?
Like our website? Help us promote it!
Micro Button
HTML Code: <a href="" rel="dofollow" title="make money online, online home based business, internet income, online marketing strategies"><img src="" border="0" alt="Proud VestRite VIP Member"></a>
Text Link
HTML Code: <a href="" rel="dofollow" title="make money online, online home based business, internet income, online marketing strategies"><i>Proud <b>VestRite VIP</b> Member</i></a>
Posted by
Devin T
8:59 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
VestRite Has a Whole New Look!
The new website is here! And now better than ever!
Our latest addition...
The VIP Forum!
Though the new forum needs a bit of work, it is a great improvement. Now you can have free advice and consultation on where to take the next step on your pathway to attaining internet income. I'm so excited!
Your Marketing Dude,
Devin T.
Posted by
Devin T
9:42 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
You Don't Have to Get Rid of Outbound Links
The less link juice you give away, the more you can keep. If you want high PageRank in Google or the like, you'll have to have a lot of one way links to your site. But what if you want to link out? Using a little HTML knowledge, all you have to know is to put this in the "a" tag of your outbound links.
Then the search engines won't count it as an outbound link and you can keep your PR in tact. Sweet!
Posted by
Devin T
9:39 AM
Labels: black hat SEO, link building, marketing strategies, PageRank
Marketing Strategies - Are Jump Pages Worth the Effort?
A jump/doorway page is like an entrance page or splash except that there are multiple versions of it distributed across the internet. A link to your home page will be provided on a page specific to what you are searching for. Typically a jump page is not optimized for content, but for search engine rankings. They are often "keyword rich" around a specific subtopic. For instance, if your site is about celebrity gossip, then you would have a jump page for every celebrity you gossip about with little keywords such as "new boyfriend" "court date" "pregnant" etc. thrown into the page in a garble.
Another type of jump page is the redirect page. This is obsolete as search engines pick up on the javascript and meta tags and choose not to list your site. Ouch. The only redirect now accepted is the 301 redirect - meaning that your site has moved permanently to a different location.
So how can I get away with it?
The search engines want good, clean, new content on respected websites. Duplicate content is ignored. "Keyword stuffing" (having a page with a high density of keywords) is considered spam. This means that every one of your jump pages has to provide valuable information for the user. Also, you have to be willing to market and advertise every single one of those jump pages. That is a lot of work.
Is it even worth it?
There are many better ways of link building that take a lot less time and effort. Simply having quality blogs and updated content, being present in your niche, posting valuable content on other websites with a link back to your site is a much better use of your time than building a jump page empire.
VestRite Internet Practices offers tools, systems, programs, education, and mentoring to those who wish to enhance or create internet income.
Posted by
Devin T
9:32 AM
Labels: black hat SEO, doorway pages, jump page, keyword rich, keyword stuffing, search engine optimization
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Free Link eBook?? Yes...
All last week I have been working on using free link directories to promote the site. It's hard stuff. I've compiled a list of the better ones and am going to throw it into an eBook along with instructions on exactly how to make the best of submitting your site to the free directories. I'm thinking of making it as a freebie for signing up with VestRite.
Sign Up to Own This Amazing Resource Now!
You know, that kind of stuff. Obviously, the eBook is not here, about a day away from being completed and reviewed by the big boss himself. I just thought I'd make some hype before hand.
Woot! Woot!
Posted by
Devin T
9:13 PM
Monday, December 31, 2007
The MiniSqueeze Page Experiment
One thing that I definitely want to find out is if it is worthwhile to create your own affiliates. What I mean is that if I pop out let's say 8 web sites and all they are designed to do is to capture your interest and send you off to my REAL website, will that help bring targeted traffic to my REAL site? I'll give you small example of what I mean.
Make Money Now!
It's quite ridiculous, I realize that. Tell me what you think!
I'll be submitting the different sites to about 25 directories and such. Hopefully that will be enough to boost rankings for my search words.
Posted by
Devin T
1:55 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Search Engine Optimization - DIY Edition
If you have a new website and no money, how can you promote it? Where do you start? I'm trying to figure this very thing out. Driving traffic to your website is almost as important as having a website. This is why:
So here are some techniques that I have found. I've used them all in the past and gotten pretty good results over time. Instant internet success is hard nowadays with Google's systems constantly being tweaked. However, if you do these things, your site will be well ranked in the search engines - driving targeted traffic to your landing page.
1. Submit the URL to search engines.
2. Upload a robot.txt file to the home page directory. (Example)
3. Use internal links or submit a sitemap to Google.
4. Submit your URL to open directories.
5. Post your backlinks on respected pages.
6. Include the link to your business in all your profiles, bio boxes, and signatures to every blog, forum, and article directory you post frequently on.
7. Always remember to place your name or link places that are RELEVANT to your business. Search engines care about that stuff.
Emarketing Blog Directory Listing of internet marketing blogs related to making money online and working from home. Find a blog, or submit yours.
Posted by
Devin T
11:51 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
10 Ways to Use Links to Make Money Online
Search engines get smarter every day. Google and the like have people working to make the search engines more efficient at delivering desired results. This poses a threat to some methods of online marketing, but also gives rise to new opportunities to market. By using a little HTML knowledge and taking a bit of time, you can ensure proper rankings in the search engines.
One way to boost your rank in search engines is the use of links to make money online by driving traffic to your business website. You should ensure that your links have the proper "link power" to get effective results in search engine ranking.
Put your link on other people's blog comments, forum posts, article directories, and affiliate pages. The search engines respect links from other sites more than internal links. Linking one page of your site to the other doesn't help all that much in search engine ranking.
Backlinks are links that piggyback traffic from other sites by use of a link on a listed page. You can do this using the above methods. When you backlink, it is wise to make the very links the keywords for your website. The search engines note which words are linked and ranks your site higher for that keyword.
This is the html of a link:
<a href="URL" title="keyword1,keyword2">keyword</a>
One thing that is easy to forget is that you can put your keyword into the HTML of the link so that the search engines pick up those keywords for your link.
If you are linking a banner, the HTML will look like this:
<a href="URL"><img src="IMAGE_URL" alt="keyword1,keyword2" border="0"></a>
You can pop the keyword in the alt tag in the image instead of the title tag in the link HTML. It arguably gives the same effect.
If you can post a link in your signature of your forums or in the resource or bio box of an article, then by all means, do it. The link will show up on very page with your name on it giving you lots of "link votes" in the search engines.
Make sure that the text around your link is relevant. This may not be just for target marketing purposes. It has been argued that search engines will pick up on the relevancy of your link, too.
Links have more "link power" if the link is not returned. This means that you have to get other sites to put up links to yours while not putting their links to you. It's kind of like being a celebrity...everyone talks about you, but you hardly ever mention your fan's names.
If you are trying to get up on the Google rankings, backlink off the sites the Google likes. This will let you steal some of their "link power".
Search engine crawlers will crawl sites that allow them access to it. And one way they can tell if your site is accessible is to provide a simple text document called "robot.txt" in the directory folder where your main page is located. Here is a simple example of the content of a robot.txt:
User-agent: *
That will allow all webcrawlers to search all of your pages for content.
The less "link power" you give out, the more you can keep.
VestRite Internet Practices offers tools, systems, programs, education, and mentoring to those who wish to enhance or create internet income.
Posted by
David Thayer
2:39 PM
Labels: backlinking, business strategies, internet marketing, make money online, search engine ranking, top 10 backlink strategies, VestRite
Friday, December 21, 2007
Marketing Launch!
Hey there fellow money makers!
I'm Devin - the new marketing dude here at VestRite. You'll see me around posting blogs, articles, press releases, forums posts, etc. I'll be getting the VestRite name out there in any clever way I can. ;)
Look out google...I'm coming to get ya.
As for an update, I have some great news for y'all. One of our affiliates, PFW, has just been added to our program, and I am absolutely astounded with the efficiency of the information provided with this resource to get your wallet pumped up! It's so practical and to the point...really, really diabolical internet marketing.
Enjoy the holidays everyone!
Your Marketing Dude,
Devin T.
Posted by
Devin T
12:06 PM